WEEKLY Mass Schedule
Daily Mass
Monday to Saturday, 8:00 AM English
Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM - English
7:00 PM - Spanish & livestream
Sunday Masses
8:00 AM - English
9:30 AM - English & livestream
11:00 AM - Bilingual
12:30 PM - Spanish
Adoration Chapel/Capilla de Adoración
Monday thru Friday, 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Lunes a Viernes, 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
USCCB Daily Mass Readings
View: Our Facebook page News Feed for announcements and livestreamed Masses
Weekly Message from our Pastor, Fr. Michael Ronayne
Lifting up, not looking down, and opening out. This summer, the Sunday readings have encouraged us to stay well nourished by the Lord. Thinking of the Eucharist and the Word of God, we are called to "be what we eat". We are called to be the body of Christ in our world and to have the mind of our Lord. It's time to continue with the Lord's work, his mission. Sadness and depression are epidemic. Do we encourage others, share Christian hope, and pray with/for others? In our relationships, do we get more than give? Do we focus on those who have things we want, or do we make time for those who need what we already have? Do we invite others to come to Mass, a Bible study, a ministry meeting, or share our faith with others? Do we let our faith spill out into the world? After celebrating Labor Day, let us resolve to continue laboring with/for the Lord. Fr. Mike Ronayne |