Parish Giving
According to the United States Conference of Bishops, for most Catholics, opportunities for giving begin in their parish and diocese. Diocesan and parish stewardship programs help individuals, families and communities better understand why, in the context of a total commitment to stewardship that is planned, proportionate, and sacrificial, it is important to set goals for giving.
All Christian stewards must consider prayerfully the gifts they have received from God, and they should make a decision in advance from the "first fruits" instead of what is left over after obligations have been met about what will be given.
Stewardship commitments can given to the parish using the traditional envelope system or personal or electronic funds transfer directly to Old Mission Santa Inés. Proceeds from Parish Giving are used to financially maintain our parish facilities and paid staff. We also have many volunteers who give generously of their time and talents to support the parish in many ways.
The second collection of many Sundays is designated for a specific cause or charity. For example, the first Sunday of each month benefits the English and Hispanic Religious Education Programs while the second Sunday benefits the English and Hispanic Youth Ministry and Confirmation Programs of our parish. The fifth Sunday collection is to help continue the work that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul does in our community. Other second collection causes include the Mission Cooperative appeal from the Diocese of Catarman, Philippines, the Cappuchin Franciscan International Missions in Northern Mexico, World Mission Sunday supporting the Pontifical Mission One Family in Mission whose efforts focus on propagating our faith, and many more that are announced throughout the year.
If you would like to participate in the weekly envelope giving program at Old Mission Santa Inés, please contact the parish office to request that envelopes be mailed to you. You can also set up a one-time or recurring weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual electronic funds transfer through your bank or credit union's bill payment service. That way, when you are unable to attend weekly mass, your stewardship commitment is not interrupted.
In your estate planning, remember the parish, diocese and other national Catholic charities and causes. Check with your company to see if they offer matching funds program that could be used when helping others in the community.
Diocesan Giving
The Los Angeles Archdiocese supports several Catholic based charities and provides additional worthwile giving opportunities in education through the Catholic Education Foundation, in serving the needy through the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity and Catholic Charities LA. The annual Catholic Appeal, Together in Mission, provides substantial financial support to 37 parishes and 56 schools in our Archdiocese. Your gift enables us to provide essential resources and ministries that enrich parish life, strengthen families, advance Church leadership and inspire and educate future generations of our faith.
Catholic Charities of Santa Barbara County helps those in need in our county and they are always looking for funding and volunteers to help their work. Their mission statement: Catholic Charities is committed to manifesting Christ’s spirit by collaborating with diverse communities, providing services to the poor and vulnerable, promoting human dignity and advocating for social justice.
Regional and National Collections
Jesus reminds us that the two greatest commandments are to love God with our whole heart, our whole mind, and our whole soul; and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
The bishops of the United States established the national collections to support the Church's works of social justice, evangelization and education, both domestically and around the globe. The national collections offer us an opportunity to help our neighbors in the light of the Gospel. In doing so, we act as faithful stewards of the gifts God has given us.
Through parishes, every Catholic participates in a global community of faith. The national collections are a powerful expression of this community. Our contributions help people across the street and around the world, people who struggle to practice the faith, and people who live in great need.
Each of these important collections is worthy of support and represents the community of faith at work in the world, saving souls and improving lives. Catholics are encouraged to view the national collections in the light of stewardship and of sharing.
When a disaster happens in our country or in another country, Catholic Relief Services is always quick to respond and depends on the generosity of Catholics throughout the world to support their efforts. At home, Catholic Charities
Click on this link to see additional National Collections not managed by USCCB.