Liturgical services help us grow in faith as we worship God according to the Roman Rite in community with our fellow Catholics. These ministries include:
Acolyte Altar Servers enhance the quality of liturgical celebrations by assisting the priest in various ways during the Mass and by taking part in the processions.
Children's Liturgy of the Word - Children are invited by the priest to a children's Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30 AM Mass for age-appropriate readings, activities and discussions. Children's Liturgy of the Word is an interactive program designed to help the children understand how they should model their lives on the weekly scripture readings.
Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly at all Masses of the parish.
Greeters create a welcoming, friendly first impression as parishioners and visitors enter the church for Mass. Christian hospitality draws people together, opens them to participation and sets the tone for the liturgy. Greeters invite 2 people to bring up the gifts of bread and wine and hand out bulletins at the end of Mass.
Lectors are Ministers of the Word. Through prayerful oral interpretation, Lectors become the embodiment of the Sacred Scriptures. God's Word is alive and the Lector is the person who brings it to life for the people. Lectors prepare through prayer and practice with the assigned readings for the week.
Sacristans are responsible for the worship environment of our church. This includes decorating the church for various seasons of the liturgical year as well as maintaining plants and altar cloths and sewing banners throughout the year. Special attention and planning are given to the seasons of Lent, Easter, Advent and Christmas. Sacristans maintain the dignity of our worship by cleaning the altar linens (purificators and altar cloths). Sacristans serve in a ministry of service for the benefit of the Liturgy.
Ushers create a well-ordered environment at Mass through extending Christian hospitality that draws people together, opens them to participation and sets the tone for the liturgy. Ushers are involved in some of the most important elements of good Liturgy, including:
- Escorting people to their seats and helping to find seats when the church is crowded
- Taking up the collections
- Helping with the communion procession
- Making sure the church looks neat after people have left