Click Here to See Religious Education Calendar
Our pickup procedure will be like last year: please line up in the queue by 5:30 pm; the cars will drive slowly in front of the classrooms when all students have gathered. Please pull all the way forward, and your child or children will get into your car when you have come to a complete stop. You will then proceed out the West Gate, past the Solvang Post Office, and exit onto Alisal Road.
With the cooperative effort of parents, catechists, and students, children will grow in their love for God and knowledge of their Catholic faith. They will develop their God-given gifts and talents to serve others and live as contributing, respectable Catholic Christians.
Our objectives are to provide all children with:
Awareness of God’s presence in their lives and a knowledge of the love of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Sharing of the Gospel message, building community, and giving service
Appreciation and better understanding of what it means to be Catholic in the world today
Nourishment of each child with the Word of God in Sacred Scripture, and a deepening of his/her knowledge of the teachings, practices and traditions of the Catholic faith, as well as fostering respect for other religions
Assist students in character development, emphasizing Catholic principles and Christian values
Opportunities that encourage active discipleship in the community
Children who are baptized are invited to attend our afternoon Religious Education program. From October to May, classes meet once a week and are held at the mission after school but before evening. The program incorporates scripture, Catholic beliefs and traditions in a faith-filled environment.
FIRST COMMUNION Preparation begins in 2nd grade and is generally a 2 year process. Children in the program attend public or private schools. In the child’s 2nd year of being in the class, they are prepared for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
FAITH FORMATION is an life-long process. After children receive the sacraments, they are encouraged to regularly attend Religious Education classes each year to help them along their faith journey.
All parish activities involving children under the age of 18 are delivered by adults who have complied with the Los Angeles Archdiocese Safeguard the Children initiative under the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People established by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.