Prior to 1973, the practice of distributing Communion during Mass and bringing Communion to the sick was the sole responsibility of ordained ministers. In 1973, so that the faithful might have greater access to the Eucharist and share more fully in the fruits of the Mass, Pope Paul VI, in the instruction Immensae Caritatis, extended permission to lay faithful to participate in the distribution of Holy Communion.
Today Eucharistic Ministers (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion) assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist to the people of God gathered at Mass. This is a deeply rewarding ministry that, through service, intensifies awareness of Christ’s presence not only in the Eucharist but in the individuals who make up His Body.
Eucharistic Ministers also take Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound because of infirmity. This is a ministry of love that keeps these individuals connected to the parish family.
Eucharistic Ministers at Old Mission Santa Inés:
- Are practicing Catholics who have received all the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.
- Are willing to distribute the Eucharist under both species, i.e., both bread and wine.
- Are able to serve at a minimum of two Masses each month (date and time preferences will be honored).
- Are alert, physically able, considerate, and of mature judgment.
- Have been trained and commissioned.
Eucharistic Ministers are trained and scheduled by:
- Sunday Masses, Vigils, and Feast Days (English): Paula Engel
- Sunday Masses, Vigils, and Feast Days (Spanish): Deacon Ancelmo Aguirre
- Weekday Masses: Nadine Melancon
- Home Visits to the Sick: Parish Office
Please call the parish office for more information.