Old Mission
Founded 1804
Capuchin Franciscan
Santa Inés
Solvang, California
Sacred Heart Sisters
Mission Santa Inés

Fr. Brendan - New Assignment

Dear brothers and sisters,

Over the last few months I have been in conversation with my provincial superior in New York regarding my assignment. In a recent telephone call it was decided that I would be returning to my province in New York in the first week of June to accept a new assignment there. This decision leaves me with mixed feelings. I am certainly saddened to be leaving the marvelous people here at Old Mission Santa Inés.

These have been four rich and wonderful years for me and I thank God for them. Nevertheless, in the life of each priest, he is aware that there are no permanent assignments and that it will be necessary for him to move on from time to time. There is also the benefit for me of being nearer to my family, especially my brother in Brooklyn who is very ill with emphysema.

I am very grateful to each of you for the many kindnesses shown to me and ask that you continue to pray for me as I accept a new assignment. The Lord has blessed me abundantly here at Santa Inés and you can be assured that you will remain in my thoughts, in my prayers and in my heart.

Pax et bonum,
Fr. Brendan

Thank you Fr. Brendan for your years of service at Old Mission Santa Inés! We will miss you and we wish you well in your new assignment.  You are in our prayers.




Parish Calendar

Mar 11 2025 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Mar 11 2025 - 7:00pm
Mar 12 2025 - 8:00am
Mar 12 2025 - 8:45am