WEEKLY Mass Schedule
Daily Mass
Monday to Saturday, 8:00 AM English
Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM - English
7:00 PM - Spanish & livestream
Sunday Masses
8:00 AM - English
9:30 AM - English & livestream
11:00 AM - Bilingual
12:30 PM - Spanish
Adoration Chapel/Capilla de Adoración
Monday thru Friday, 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Lunes a Viernes, 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
USCCB Daily Mass Readings
View: Our Facebook page News Feed for announcements and livestreamed Masses
Weekly Message from our Pastor, Fr. Michael Ronayne
Are we salty? Are we shining the light of our Lord? We can sometimes think of faith as a matter of going to church, praying for blessings, and being nice. They are parts of faith, but today's readings call us to do more. A Christian brings the light of Jesus' mercy and justice to the world. We have to be salty, too, purifying and giving a good flavor to the world. Very challenging. Is the way we speak, act, what we do online or on the street shine with the goodness of Christ? Apart from our rosary or religious articles we wear, would our lifestyle tell the world that we are Christians? Do we purify and shine up our surroundings? It is easy to blend into the background, to practice faith as a private matter. Jesus says something different. Let us pray that the Lord will help us to be shiny and salty in a dark and challenging world. Fr. Mike Ronayne |