WEEKLY Mass Schedule
Daily Mass
Monday to Saturday, 8:00 AM English
Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM - English
7:00 PM - Spanish & livestream
Sunday Masses
8:00 AM - English
9:30 AM - English & livestream
11:00 AM - Bilingual
12:30 PM - Spanish
Adoration Chapel/Capilla de Adoración
Monday thru Friday, 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Lunes a Viernes, 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
USCCB Daily Mass Readings
View: Our Facebook page News Feed for announcements and livestreamed Masses
Weekly Message from our Pastor, Fr. Michael Ronayne
February 2nd has one of the 3 feasts that conclude the Christmas season. Another is the Epiphany-Christ, the King of Kings, appears first to the Jewish believers but then to Kingly Gentiles. The Baptism of the Lord is another-the Voice of the Father and the image of the Holy Spirit identify Jesus as the promised Son of God and Jewish Messiah. The Presentation of the Lord is the moment that Jesus enters the Jerusalem temple and is identified as the Light and salvation of the world (Lk 2:32). In many places, the feast of the presentation was celebrated with candle-lit processions. Just as Christ-Mass is the Celebration of Christ's birth, Candle-Mass is the recognition that Jesus is the Lord and Savior, Light and salvation for all the world. Curiously, the appearance of light takes place in the temple. Today, we, too, recognize that Jesus the Light and our Salvation still appears in our Churches. He speaks through HIs Word, feeds and purifies us through His Sacraments, He is present where His people invoke His name. Why do we go to Church? We come to the Great King and Messiah, our light and salvation so He can guide, feed, heal, transform us and send us out into the world to be His lights. If we have missed Mass lately, the Lord calls us back to the Light. Fr. Mike Ronayne |